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Distributed Privacy-Preserving Aggregation of Metering Data in Smart Grids

Distributed Privacy-Preserving Aggregation of Metering Data in Smart Grids

IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication (JSAC) - JSAC Smart Grid Communications Series

Authors: Cristina Rottondi, Giacomo Verticale, and Christoph Krauß
Year/month: 2013/
Note: to appear



@article { rottondi2013,
author = { Cristina Rottondi and Giacomo Verticale and Christoph Krauß},
title = { Distributed Privacy-Preserving Aggregation of Metering Data in Smart Grids },
journal = { IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication (JSAC) - JSAC Smart Grid Communications Series },
year = { 2013 },
note = { to appear },
