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Dynamic Symbolic Execution with Interpolation Based Path Merging

Dynamic Symbolic Execution with Interpolation Based Path Merging

Int. Conf. Advances and Trends in Software Engineering

Authors: Andreas Ibing
Year/month: 2016/2
Booktitle: Int. Conf. Advances and Trends in Software Engineering
Fulltext: ibing16interpolmerge.pdf



@inproceedings {
author = { Andreas Ibing},
title = { Dynamic Symbolic Execution with Interpolation Based Path Merging },
year = { 2016 },
month = { Febuary },
booktitle = { Int. Conf. Advances and Trends in Software Engineering },
url = {https://www.sec.in.tum.de/i20/publications/dynamic-symbolic-execution-with-interpolation-based-path-merging/@@download/file/ibing16interpolmerge.pdf}