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Lightweight Attestation & Secure Code Update for Multiple Separated Microkernel Tasks

Lightweight Attestation & Secure Code Update for Multiple Separated Microkernel Tasks

Proceedings of the ISC 2013: The 16th Information Security Conference

Authors: Steffen Wagner, Christoph Krauß, and Claudia Eckert
Year/month: 2013/11
Booktitle: Proceedings of the ISC 2013: The 16th Information Security Conference
Series: LNCS
Address: Dallas, Texas, USA



@inproceedings { 305,
author = { Steffen Wagner and Christoph Krauß and Claudia Eckert},
title = { Lightweight Attestation & Secure Code Update for Multiple Separated Microkernel Tasks },
year = { 2013 },
month = { November },
booktitle = { Proceedings of the ISC 2013: The 16th Information Security Conference },
series = { LNCS },
address = { Dallas, Texas, USA },
