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Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Information Security

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Information Security  

Seminare 2 SWS / 5 ECTS
Veranstalter: Fabian Franzen
Zeit und Ort:

Preliminary meeting: 13 July 2020 at 10 a.m. via Microsoft Teams. Link: https://teams.microsoft.com/dl/launcher/launcher.html?url=%2f_%23%2fl%2fmeetup-join%2f19%3ameeting_ZmU3YWNiNGUtYTgxZC00ODBhLTkzNTAtOWYzN2Y2M2ExNTE2%40thread.v2%2f0%3fcontext%3d%257b%2522Tid%2522%253a%2522f930300c-c97d-4019-be03-add650a171c4%2522%252c%2522Oid%2522%253a%25222539b1cf-0d00-4a2b-9788-e01e710b20eb%2522%257d%26anon%3dtrue&type=meetup-join&deeplinkId=6fab6134-da97-4269-ba75-c3fa5724c2eb&directDl=true&msLaunch=true&enableMobilePage=true&suppressPrompt=true


The lecture is given in english
The slides are available in english
The exam will be in english

We have capacity for five additional attendees. If you are interested,
please contact the seminar's organizers by email:

The digitization of almost every aspect of our life comes with an increasing demand for information security. Tackling existing challenges by applying methods and techniques such as access control and cryptography, information security constantly finds its way into other disciplines and sectors. However, this development is not a unidirectional one. While information security's influence grows in sectors such as automotive and logistics, it is important that other fields such as philosophy and the actuarial science in turn also apply their very methods to information security to address challenges caused by this responsibility. This seminar deals with various perspectives on information security from different disciplinary, societal, and industrial points of view in order to understand and reflect its status quo. The format is intended to represent an academic conference including paper writing, submission, review, revision, presentation, and discussion.
Possible topics include:
* Ethics in Information Security and Privacy
* Human Factors in Information Security and Privacy
* History and Future of Information Security Policy
* Current State of Cyber Insurance
* Recent Trends in Internet Voting in Uncontrolled Environments
* Cyber Supply Chain Security
* Quantitative Risk Assessment Methodologies
* Automotive Security (Management)
More topics are going to be presented and discussed during the pre-course meeting.
Course Objectives
* Know and understand different perspectives on information security from an interdisciplinary point of view.
* Prepare and write a scientific paper in LaTeX (English; 8-10 pages LNCS + list of references) 
* Present the topic (English; 15 minutes + 10 minutes discussion)
This seminar is offered by Fraunhofer AISEC:  Michael Heinl, Alexander Giehl, Patrick Wagner